An Expedition Through All Things Glorious

Pandemic Activities 3

    Pandemic Activities 3

      I can never even find a seat at the airport, but during the pandemic, I get my choice of ROWS, plus each one has a phone charger.  Score!

        Pandemic Activities 2

          Not actually a pandemic-related purchase . . .  It’s just that $18 for 25lbs is more understandable than $40 for the same 25lb in smaller packaging 🤷‍♂️

            Pandemic Activities 1

              When everything changes, some things remain the same…

                Furry nemesis Relocation

                  8 chipmunks down, at least 2 to go 😮

                    Morning Nourishment 1

                      Just a little steel-cut oat / coconut milk / frozen fruit medley to get the party started.


                          A few friends taught me how to move leaves en-masse.  They also told me jumping isn’t as satisfying as it looks . . . but few fall as lightly as I do.  Ready to take the leap!


                               Twice a year, I get to sit and be inspired in this setting.  So grateful for the chance to hear the word of the Lord through His prophet today!

                                Home Base

                                  Yo wassup.  The name’s Dez.  My momma called me ShayDez O’Bradley, but I likes Dez fo’ short.  You’ll find me hanging around all the cool places.  And alone a lot too, with all this spatial distancing lately. 🤷‍♂️